Barnes & Noble Update

Thank you for your patience as we worked on the issues with data accuracy for Barnes & Noble. We are pleased to say that our verification software has been integrated, and numbers from Barnes & Noble will now be double-checked for accuracy before they are sent to your dashboard.

In order to verify your ScribeCount sales data from Barnes & Noble, you can follow these steps:

  • First, check that your browser extension is on version You can usually do this by right-clicking on the extension icon and clicking "manage extension" or, on a Mac, by going to Preferences and from there to Extensions
  • Once you have confirmed that you're running the most up-to-date software, reload ScribeCount and wait for the data to refresh
  • Check that the number of sales at ScribeCount match those on Barnes & Noble. To do so follow these steps:

To check your Recent Sales Data: click on HOME and then SALES REPORTS and then RECENT SALES.

To check your Historical Sales Data: click on HOME and then SALES REPORTS and then choose a CUSTOM DATE

If you have any problems, respond to this email!

We're finishing up with the verification software for Apple next, and then will be moving on to adding more features!
