ScribeCount – BookFunnel

Our goal at ScribeCount has always been to provide the best sales reporting possible. Currently, we provide data from over 57 platforms either directly or through aggregators. But one thing was missing.

Direct sales.

If you sell your books through your own website, or maybe through a Shopify or Payhip store, ScribeCount had no way of pulling that data so that you could see it alongside your other store sales.

Until today.

Today ScribeCount is excited to announce a partnership with BookFunnel.

You can now connect our two great services and include your direct sales data into your interactive sunbursts chart. No matter which platform you sell direct on (Payhip, PayPal, Shopify, or WooCommerce), you can now pass your sales data through BookFunnel over to your ScribeCount dashboard.

Set up is as simple as copy-and-paste! Copy your ScribeCount key from your BookFunnel Sales dashboard and paste it into your ScribeCount settings page. The data will start flowing! As new sales come into your BookFunnel dashboard, they'll automatically be picked up and merged with all of your other sales on your ScribeCount dashboard.

You aren't limited to only ebook sales data either. Through some programming wizardry ANY sales you make through your store will now be tracked with ScribeCount. Ebooks, audiobooks, paperbacks, whatever else you're selling. BookFunnel will record all of your transactions and push them through to your ScribeCount dashboard, even if BookFunnel isn't directly involved in the delivery.

If you're doing merch like tote bags, t-shirts, or coffee mugs, all of that will show up in your sales data as well!

Connecting BookFunnel and Scribecount is super simple. Just follow this great guide:

Your sales from Bookfunnel will appear in Orange on your sunburst chart. You’ll also see BookFunnel listed on your books detail pages, and in the other charts. This data is subject to all the same filters as any other platform. You can tag it, group it, pick its colors, or even ghost it if you don’t wish for it to appear.

It’s entirely up to you.


Does this cost me anything?

No, this new feature is included in both your BookFunnel and ScribeCount subscriptions for no extra cost.

How long is the key good for?

One year. At which point you will be prompted to install a new key.

Can I filter my merch?

Not yet. Right now everything will fall under the headings of “BookFunnel” and “Direct”. We’ll be working on ways for you to separate the ebooks from the coffee mugs and T-shirts soon, but for now they will be grouped together.

Will the various formats be separated at ScribeCount?

Soon. We’re working on adding Ingram, Audible, and Findaway to the ScribeCount menu, and once those are up and running you’ll see Hardcovers and Audio represented separately in the charts. This will cover every format available.

We'll of course be fine-tuning this new feature in the coming weeks and are entirely open to any comments or feedback you may have. Just submit a ticket with your suggestion and we'll see if it's something we can do. In the meantime, I hope everyone enjoys the new feature, there are more on the way.