Update: Free Trial Extended!

Happy Friday, ScribeCounters!

First, a standing ovation to the people sending feature requests and putting in support tickets. There is never a way to anticipate every feature users will want, or every combination of user settings, browsers, etc - every feature request and ticket is helping us make ScribeCount robust, adaptable, and all-around awesome!

Now, on to the treat: some of you will have noticed that your two-week free trial has finished, but still no request for payment. Not an oversight! We are planning a final sprint of fine-tuning and data-lag-busting, and are extending the free trial for existing users until February 15th!

(Please note: everyone will still get a full two weeks to evaluate whether ScribeCount is right for them - but those who are already past two weeks will get until the 15th as a bonus!)

What does this mean for you? Keep an eye on the dashboard for some updates, keep sending those tickets when you hit snags, and get ready for our next post on which new platforms will be added first!